Policies & Guidelines


#Survivors ON The Net


#Survivors On The Net, established over two years ago has recognised the huge need for support and resources for adults of childhood abuse. In its first year, over 23,000 people accessed the web site seeking information and help for the ‘Healing Process'.


#Survivors On The Net will demonstrate the need for improved services, changes in the law, and increased awareness of the damage caused by abuse.

#Survivors On The Net aims to instigate these changes by increasing awareness, researching and publishing relevant statistics, creating a monthly newsletter, and lobbying for change.



There is a growing number of abuse cases reported each day around the world. There are an overwhelming amount of cases that are not reported.

There is little acknowledgement of the pain and suffering caused by sexual abuse and incest and this problem needs to be addressed.

For those who have lived with shame and secrecy, addressing the past later in life becomes a necessity. There is a great need for understanding, caring groups & institutions and resources for these survivors. The consequences of little or no support have been death by suicide, self-harm, drug, alcohol addiction, anorexia, bulimia , MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).

The emotional damage can be severe, from almost total depletion of self-respect/esteem to any one of various nervous disorders.

#Survivors On The Net aims to bring these survivors together and guide them towards available resources whilst encouraging self-help and offering support.


During a group discussion it is difficult to guarantee total confidentiality. However what can be guranteed is:

1 No one can identify anything about you if you log onto the chat channel with an alias (nickname)

2 The operators who are experienced at working this way monitor all people who join the channel so that participants can be assured of ‘safety’ i.e. prevent triggering, voyeurism, hoaxes etc.

3 Anyone causing distress to others in the channel will be ‘kicked’ (removed from the channel) and banned from entering the channel again

4 Those that prefer to talk on a one to one basis, or, are unable to disclose feelings in a group situation have the option to talk 1:1 in #Survivors Escape.

5 All Operators (minimum 14) are informed of any bans, of anyone needing extra support and of any possible situations that may arise.


There is no limit nor restriction to what information is made available subject to verification by an operator or the Founder.

Verification involves:-

Checking the resource is bona fide by requesting a hard copy of all materials and/or constitution of the agency.

Checking that the agency has links with other recognised bodies e.g. ‘Befrienders International, Social Services etc.

People can recommend resourceful links by sending details to the Founder or an operator for verification in line with procedures.

If information about the resource is not presented it will be the responsibility of the agency to supply relevant and requested details before verification can proceed.

All information and resources are handed out by ops on request, posted on the web site and can be requested by email, snail mail (normal posting) or in the #Survivors chat group.

Selection & Training (Staff & Volunteers)


People from the channel are requested to email the Founder with the names of those they think would make a good Operator.

The Founder emails all the Operators to advise them of the nominees. All operators then monitor the nominees for a period of not less than one month to determine their ability with supporting and sharing information. The nominee is not aware they are being monitored.

If the nominee has shown compassion and support and it is agreed they will make a good operator, their name will be put forward at the monthly #Committee meeting for a vote. If the nominee is successful they will be informed of the decision and asked to join the group as an operator.


A successful nominee will be sent an induction pack which contains:

1 #Survivors Policies, Rules and Regulations

2 An agreement form to abide by the rules and regulations of #Survivors to be signed and returned to the Founder by snail mail.

3 The Operator must agree to use the resources contained in the induction pack (which have gone through the validation process and are considered safe to use) and, to use the 24hr emergency num bers supplied for the Operators always assuming that they too need support

4. The Operator must agree to work in the channel no less than 4 hrs per week and agree to use the #survivors Escape channel for a winding down process after each session in the chat channel

5. Ops are supplied with general suggestions centered on methods of support and approach. They also receive detailed information on how NOT to approach and relate to other survivors.

Ops are obliged to inform the Founder of any unreasonable behaviour by email immediately.

Ops are monitored regularly, daily where possible to ensure there is no advice given, or that they have been disclosing too much about themselves.

Information given to potential operators regarding chat procedures is currently in line with the BBS Telephone Training & Consultancy Services’ guidelines & policies.

Promotion and Publicity

Promotion and publicity at present is the sole responsibility of the Founder of #Survivors.

Increasing awareness of the extent of abuse is one of the priorities we aim to tackle and this will take place as funding permits.

All relevant bodies and institutions will be notified in advance of any issues/activities within #Survivors On The Net that are of interest.

All publications are verified for ‘safety’ issues before printing with other organisations working with survivors.

#Survivors recognises that ‘incest and sexual abuse’ are delicate issues with the general public and will bring awareness with a high degree of sensitivity whilst meeting the aim we set out to achieve.

Minors and Partners


Anyone under 18 shall be considered a ‘minor’.

#Survivors On The Net acknowledges that minors do come to the channel in search of help, however, in view of the topics discussed in the channel, #Survivors has opted to set up a channel called #Young_Survivors) as a meeting place for general chat. The room established for minors is monitored only to ensure the safety of those that visit the room.

However #Young_Survivors does not fall within the aims and objectives of #Survivors (UK) and therefore the channel supplied for their use, is just for that reason, to ensure their safety, give information and support where requested. #Young_Survivors is run by young survivors.


In the same instance, #Partners has been established for those partners, family and friends of survivors who equally need support to help with the Healing Process of survivors. This room is also monitored, and again purely for safety reasons. #Partners is run by partners of survivors but they will receive relevant information and resources when requested.

International #Survivors

#Survivors (UK) concludes that those wishing to continue our work abroad, may use our Logo and Title for an agreed fee provided that:

1 They read, agree, sign and adhere to all the Policies and Guidelines of #Survivors UK contained herein.

2 If constitutions for charitable bodies outside of the UK conflict with our own, it must be shown how and why before any affiliation can be made.

3 An affiliation that has proven to act outside of of #Survivors (UK) Policies and Guidelines will have their affiliation revoked immediately.

4. #Survivors (UK) will not make affiliations with those that wish to work with minors.

Closing Comments

#Survivors (UK), after one year, is well on its way to meeting its aims and objectives.

#Survivors(UK) is widely respected, is regarded as a caring and supportive group to be part of, while at the same time showing reliability and consistency.

#Survivors (UK) will bring about the changes it set out to achieve, and will take the group into the millenium striving for awareness of the damage that can happen behind the ‘family door’.

#Survivors (UK) at present, strives to network with major organisations for survivors on a global scale, to bring fragmented groups together, acknowledging the work they have carried out, and uniting resources to improve services and support.

#Survivors (UK) boasts the largest international database of help-groups and resources available.

#Survivors (UK) operators in the chat channel are trained in line with BBS, Telephone Training and Consultancy Service. (International Help-Line Policies)

#Survivors (UK) is supported by other charitable bodies set up for #survivors and is encouraged to liase with these organisations.

For further information on #Survivors please email Jill info@survivors.org.uk